Thursday, December 29, 2016

Santa Sack Swap 2016

I participated in the Santa Sack Swap again this year and had a fun time making the gifts for my partner. When we made contact, Marjory said she thought it would be fun to have a pillowcase and I agreed. As we mailed, we decided to wait until Christmas to open our packages. I opened the box, just to peek at what was inside. I saw the lovely pillowcase that she had made and some packages. Here's everything once it was out of the box.

           This is the lovely pillowcase that she made.

On Friday before Christmas, I decided to open just one of the gifts (Friday had been a long, busy day and I needed a treat). I chose one of the red packages and found these ornaments inside. It was so much fun to add them to my tree. I think I picked a good one to start with!

My family and I celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve so I decided to open another present after everything had settled down. Inside the package I chose were these cute and useful pot holders! Don't you just love them?
Here are the rest of the things that I found in my box.

Then an adorable table runner. I love that it is winter themed and can be used after Christmas!

On the bottom of the box was something that felt like a frame. When I unwrapped it, I found a cute snowman that was drawn and painted by Marjory and put into a nice frame. It is so cute and I can't wait to find just the right spot to hang it!

Thanks so much Marjory for all the wonderful gifts!

Thanks for stopping by! 



  1. A very talented Santa and and thoughtful too.

  2. WOW...LoVe all your gifts... and I can imagine how much FuN it was to unwrap them...
    Happy New Year too... xox

  3. Beautiful gifts
    The table runner is gorgeous

  4. wow Dee what awesome gifts you have received from Marjory,love the snowman painting.

  5. Lots of gorgeous gifts in the Santa Christmas Swap Dee.. Cheers Kaylee
